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Тема - "International Freedom in Education Day - международный день свободы в образовании"

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  Форум для родителей-практиков семейного образования
   > International Freedom in Education Day - международный день свободы в образовании
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International Freedom in Education Day - международный день свободы в образовании
18:53:40 11 Сентябрь 2007
September the 15th

http://jipli.free.fr - international site

по-русски пишите мне: at.naka @ mail.ru


Настя из Австрии - http://jipli.free.fr/oesterreich


Re(1): International Freedom in Education Day - международный день свободы в образовании
14:53:50 12 Сентябрь 2007
Попробую ещё раз... ;)
Ещё не поздно, "день" растянут на весь сентябрь!
Настя из Австрии

Dear Home-educating Friends and Supporters of Freedom in Education,

An International Freedom in Education Day (IFED), an idea originating this year in France, is proposed for Saturday, September 15th, 2007.

The aim is to promote the idea of the importance of free choice in education, and to spread information about the alternative ways of learning that are available, or are being fought for in various countries.

The focus will be on Home Education, but we also welcome alternative and free schools to take part in this global event.

The interest is increasing in Europe and internationally. Events related to IFED may take place throughout the whole month of September. Still, on September the 15th, we plan to have many events celebrating Freedom in Education simultaneously in many countries all over the world.

We hope to celebrate freedom in education with activities for children as for example an 'Education wish tree' where children tell us about how they would like to be educated and other friendly activities.

In Paris, a giant picnic on the theme of home education is planned, preceded by a press conference on September 10th.

In London, a Home Education Fair is planned. For more details please contact us:

In Vienna, an evening event on September 7th, will be dedicated for a discussion of Freedom in Education, and the practice of home education and unschooling.

During the week preceding or following September 15th, there will be a gathering in front of the European Parliament in Strasbourg. This gives a possibility to highlight the topic "Human Rights and Home Education".


French home educators are creating this website for the Freedom in Education Day. Here we will publish all information and/or links to events on or around the 15th of September (conferences, gatherings, education fairs, etc.), where ever they may take place and in whatever language, so please send us your projected events.

We will also post links to other websites and announcements in other countries. If your native language is not English, French, German, Italian or Spanish, please send us a short English description and in your native language, of your event that you would like placed on the website.

So please tell us about your planned events, no matter how small it may seem! We'll be great in numbers!

Please note the following addresses:

Website (in construction): http://jipli.free.fr
Contact JIPLI

Participating or interested organisations
to date:

- Les Enfants d’Abord (France) -

- Learning Unlimited (European Network, UK based) -

- Choice in Education (UK) -

- Netzwerk Bildungsfreiheit (Germany) -

- Institut für Wertewirtschaft (Austria) -

- European Forum for Freedom in Education (European NGO)

Please do not hesitate to spread the information about the IFED as far as possible. We want to reach all corners of the earth!

Sincerely yours,

IFED preparation team

P. S.:
Please tell us how you call "Freedom in Education Day" in your native language! We will add on our website all the translations that you send to us.

Ego Darling

Re(2): International Freedom in Education Day - международный день свободы в образовании
13:41:26 13 Сентябрь 2007
[ Профиль ]
Настя, спасибо, очень интересно!
Пока я позволила себе исправить название на 'международный день свободы в образовании'
Мы обязательно ответим подробнее чуть позже и свяжемся с Вами. А я пошла разносить новость дальше :)

If there is any need for doubling my answers in english - please note this.


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